Code: EDUCELE1530
We want to do a rodent flea DNA extraction. I have read that it is advisable to follow the Chelex extraction protocol in which they use proteinase
Introduce students to molecular biology with their own DNA. The genes in a bottle kit enables your students to see the normally invisible substance of life and begin to comprehend the meaning of their own genetic makeup. In this activity, students extract genomic DNA from their own cheek cells, then precipitate and bottle it in a cool helix-shaped necklace.
Can be used as an introductory or capstone activity
Requires no special equipment or stains
For younger students, it's a perfect introduction to the exciting world of DNA science
For secondary and college level instruction, lessons on DNA structure and function, cell structure, and enzyme function can be introduced or reinforced with this laboratory
Kit contains 36 helix vials, screw caps and cords