Code: EDUCLOG6172
A pressure sensor is a device for pressure measurement of gases or liquids. Pressure is an expression of the force required to stop a fluid from expanding, ...
The Microsense range of sensors plug directly into LogIT data loggers and uLog allowing automatic sensor identification. Microsense range are compatible with SL, LIVE, DataMeter 1000, DataVision, Black Box, Voyager, SensorLink and uLog USB sensor adapter.
This Microsense Air Pressure sensor measures absolute air pressure as this is the most flexible, allowing direct measurements of atmosphere (for meteorological work) or pressure in vessels etc, as well as relative pressures (by subtracting from the atmospheric pressure value). Units and scale in standard SI form of kPA (Kilopascal).
Sensor type: Solid state silicon device for air or dry gas
Range: 0 to 200 kPa (29psi)
Accuracy: +/- 9%
Max pressure: 400 KPa (exposure beyond this will cause permanent damage)
Applications: Gas laws - pressure / volume / temperature, fermentation, rates of reaction involving gas